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Advancing Nursing Education in the Commonwealth

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This year, there are a few positions open on PHENSA’s nominating ballot. According to the bylaws (rev. 4/2022), any Dean/Director of a member College/University whose dues are paid is eligible to hold an elected office. No Dean/Director may hold more than one office at any one time and no Dean/Director is eligible for more than two consecutive terms in the same office. Terms of office begin July 1 in the year elected.

Click here to learn more. 

Awards Committee

The committee is responsible for the biennial selection of the “Distinguished Colleague Award.”

Billie Burry, Vice-President/Chair, King’s College

Deborah Mitchum, Carlow University

Mary Yost, Drexel University

By-Laws Committee

The committee reviews the bylaws on a biennial basis, review changes suggested by the members, and propose amendments ofthe bylaws to the membership.

Billie Burry, Vice-President/Chair, King’s College

Jennifer Bellot, Jefferson University

Melissa Miners, Penn State University

Finance Committee

The committee shall prepare a budget for 

presentation at the fall meeting. The committee

shall monitor the financial records

of the Association. 

Melissa Snyder, Treasurer/Chair, Saint Joseph's University

Camille Wendekier, Saint Francis University

Diane Kondas, Seton Hill University

Nominating Committee

The committee shall prepare a slate of candidates to be presented at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Ballots will be destroyed after the vote. Members of the committee cannot be elected to office.

Dawn Goodolf, Chair, Moravian University

Mary Hanson-Zalot, Jefferson University

Stacy Lutter, York College of Pennsylvania

Nursing Scholarship, Education and Research Committee

The committee oversee the administration of the PHENSA fund, selects award recipients, establishes on-going criteria for scholarship and education research grant awards, assemble a review panel for each grant application submission period, notifies PHENSA membership and other qualified prospective applicants of the award opportunity and makes decisions regarding awards and reports awards to the membership at the Spring meeting.

Annette Weiss, President/Chair, Misericordia University

Anthony Good, Saint Francis University

Taylor Grube, Moravian University

Darlene Kuchinski-Donelly, Misericordia University

Bette Mariani, Villanova University

Program Committee

The committee assists the Executive Board as needed to plan, implement, and evaluate programs after presentations.

Kelly Kuhns, Chair, Millersville University  

Rose Rossi, Widener University

Jennifer Olszewski, Drexel University

Jane Tang, Gwynedd Mercy University 

Public and Professional Affairs Committee

The committee addresses policy, public relations and professional relationships. The committee shall elect the chair.

Southeast: Donna Havens, Chair, Villanova University

Cheryl Schlamb, West Chester University

Central: Kim Olszewski, Commonwealth University

Kara Coleman, Saint Francis University

Northeast: Laura Waters, East Stroudsburg University

Northwest: Margaret Harkins, Holy Family University

Lisa Quinn, Gannon University

Southwest: Rhonda Maneval, Carlow University

Strategic Planning Committee

The committee develops the strategic plan and 

reviews implementation of the plan.

Annette Weiss, President/Chair, Misericordia University

Nadine Englert, Robert Morris University

Jackie Murphy, Drexel University

Bette Mariani, Villanova University

Amita Avadhani, Temple University

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